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How To Improve Shooting Tips

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Shooting Tips

1. Shooting improvement starts with technique.
2. Technique must be practiced close to the basket.
3. To improve your shooting range start close to the basket and gradually back off.
4. To improve shooting you must shoot in a game-like situation.
5. Every shooting move, as will as every other move to dribble or to pass, starts with a pivot. So, you must be an expert at pivoting.

Counterproductive Beliefs
1. Repetition yields improvement. This is only true to a limited degree. Improvement only follows doing things correctly. Practicing incorrectly yields problems. If you practice correctly, follow the lessons, improvement will come with much less repetition than you initially thought.

2. Only 7th graders need to practice technique. Not true. Even Hall of Famers do. Every time you play ball you need to warm up with a few minutes of shooting technique.

3. Only 7th graders need to practice close to the basket. No, everybody does for several reasons. One is that this is the best way to use and apply technique. And again I say, without technique improvement, there is no improvement. The other reason is that a great percentage of shots are taken from this area in a game. So, it is most beneficial to practice game level shooting especially in this area.

4. You can work on technique as you work on shooting. Nope. Technique and shooting need to be practiced separately. One, technique improves your shot by changing and focusing on the mechanics (movement) of the shot. You give little thought to the actual shot when working on technique. Conversely or inversely or reciprocally, thinking about technique when in the motion of shooting can only psyche you out. These two things should be practiced, and even more importantly, thought about separately.

5. If you are a good shooter in practice, then you should be a good game shooter. No. Shooting rested, under little psychological pressure or physical defensive pressure in practice is not the same as shooting under more adverse game situations. Good shooters are good game shooters.

6. You need talent to shoot well. Only naturally talented players can shoot well and learn tricky moves. Not so. Anybody can be a good shooter or dribbler, passer, etc., if they practice properly.

7. Great shooters are great players. Not so. Note that many Hall of Famers are not great shooters, so you can be a great player without being a great shooter. Shooting is only one part of the game. If you want to be a great basketball player, you need to be as tall, strong, quick, and fast as possible. Work on being an athlete as well as practicing the skills. All Hall of Famers are great athletes.

Your comments are welcome.

Sidney Goldstein, author of The Basketball Coach's Bible and The Basketball Player's Bible, has successfully coached both men's and women's teams over a period of 15 years.


Golden Aura Publishing - Nitty-Gritty Basketball Series
by Sidney Goldstein

website copyright 1995-2008 © Sidney Goldstein, Golden Aura Publishing,Nitty-Gritty Basketball